How to drop the lowest Assignment grade in Canvas
allows instructors to set the assignments so that the students’ lowest grade is
dropped for the quarter. Instructors do
this so that if students have to miss an assignment it will not drop their
grade significantly. This can be set at
the beginning of the quarter and becomes a continual adjustment to the
students’ grades or at the end of the quarter before the final grades are
tallied up.
For example, if one assignment is
worth 5 points and another assignment is worth 10 points, Canvas will look to
the assignment which will most hurt the student’s overall score (a combination
of total points AND percentage). The
student gets 1 out of 5 on one quiz, and 5 out of 10 on the other. The 1/5 is 25% and the 5/10 is 50% but the
second quiz is worth double the points, so that one gets dropped from the
student’s overall score.
include “Drop the Lowest Grade” in your Assignments:
Navigate to
your Course Assignments tab in the
left-hand pane | navigate to the desired Module
| Select the Module’s pencil icon (edit button) | Select Add grading rule | Select Drop
the Lowest and type in the number of scores you wish to drop (1, 3, etc.) |
select Update.
If you have any questions on this or anything related to Canvas, you can also send an email to and that will create a ticket.