Monday, November 30, 2015

Assigning an assignment or quiz to specific students

This week we will focus on showing you how to assign a quiz or an assignment to specific students in the course.  For example, say you want two versions of a quiz #7; one with essay questions and the other one with multiple choice.  Maybe one of your students has accessibility needs and multiple choice questions may not be in their best interest.  Therefore, assigning an alternate quiz #7 to just that person with essay questions may be a solution.  Remember, only those students assigned to that particular quiz or assignment will see it in their Canvas course.

          -First you will need to make two versions of a particular quiz or assignment-

Step #1:

Go into the "Edit" tab of that quiz or an assignment.

Step #2:

Within the edit screen, scroll down to the very bottom until you see that "Assign" option:

Step #3:

Click into the empty space of the "Assign to" section:

Step #4:

Select the students you want to take that particular quiz/assignment & Remove the "Everyone" option-leaving only those new selected students:

Monday, November 16, 2015

How to add captions to YouTube videos

In our ongoing effort to help TCC become a more accessible institution, we encourage faculty to add captioning to their videos.  YouTube provides a simple way to add subtitles to your videos.  With a few steps and a little bit of practice, you will be a pro before you know it.

The following screenshots will help guide you in setting up captions/subtitles to your videos.
The following video will give you a more in depth tutorial of how to literally add the subtitles into your video:

From within the Video Manager setting in YouTube:
1.  Select your video
2.  Click Subtitles and CC

1.  Select Add new subtitles or CC
2.  Select English

Choose how you want to create your subtitles.  For example, if you would like to manually add subtitles you could choose the "Transcribe and auto-sync" or "Create new subtitles or CC" option.

Remember, the following link: will give you a more in depth tutorial.  As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at:  (253) 566-5176 or submit a ticket at

Monday, November 9, 2015

Ways to collaborate as a group...

There are several ways you can collaborate as a team using various group communication tools within and without Canvas.
For example:  
If you want your students to be in control of creating their own groups, with the ability to add group members by themselves, (with or without you being involved - you can be completely hands off if you wanted to) then suggesting your students use the "Conferences" feature might the best option.
1.     Use e-mail and create a "distribution" group.  Click here for instructions:  Create a contact group in Office 365.docx
2.     Use the Canvas Inbox to send Canvas-only communications to the group you created. Here is a link to the Canvas Guides for the Communications/Inbox.
3.     Use the Canvas Chat (on navigation bar to the left).  Here is a link to the Canvas Student Guides for the Chat link.
4.     Use the Canvas Conferences (on navigation bar to the left).  Here is a link to the Canvas Guides for the Conferences link.
5.     Use the Canvas Collaborations (on navigation bar to the left).  Here is a link to the Canvas Student Guides for using the Collaboration link.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

How do I convert a PDF file into a Word file?

Have you ever needed to make a change to your syllabus for the new quarter just to realize you couldn't, because it was a PDF file?

We've received phone calls in the past from Instructors who were trying to publish their course for the new quarter, but couldn't because their syllabus wasn't ready.  Since they didn't have the original Microsoft Word document to allow them to edit, they were stuck with the uneditable PDF version.

There is however, a solution!  Here in the Information Commons we have a program called "Adobe Acrobat X Pro" that allows you to convert your PDF into a Word document.  

To start, you will need to open up your PDF document on a computer in the small computer section of the Info. Commons and immediately follow these steps:    

(1) Select File
(2) Select Save as
(3) Select Microsoft Word
(4) Select your preferred Microsoft Word document type

As always, if you need help, please let us know.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

How do I assign students to different quizzes?

     Have you ever wanted to have two different finals for your class and assign who is going to take each one?  Now in Canvas you can have two separate finals and the students will only see the one they are assigned to.  In the gradebook only the one assigned to them will be counted in their final grade, the other quiz will be like it never existed. 

     First let’s set up the quizzes in the course.  For this test we are going to call them “Online Final” and “In Class Final”.  

     Next you are going to go into one of them and click on Edit.  I picked the in class one first.

     You are going to scroll down through the settings to the section with the due dates, now called Assign.

      Left click the mouse in the assign to box, in a blank area.  You will not see the mouse turn to the Pointer or a Hand.  It doesn’t look like you can click on anything, but you can.  You will get a drop down list.

     As you click on a name of the student they will be moved to the list above.  Be sure to click on the X for Everyone.  You only want a few taking this quiz.  

     You should now have a list that looks like this:

     You will continue with the other quiz and add the students to that one that will be taking it online. Don't for get to remove the Everyone on this quiz as well.  You now should have the class split between the two.

     Now, since this is your course, you can see both quizzes.  Let take a look how this will affect the students and what they see in the Modules and gradebook.

     Instructor View of the Module and the students view of the Module, for this view I will become Van Halen.

     The gradebooks: Again from the instructor’s point of view and the student.

     As you see in your view of the grade book, Van Halen is taking the In Class Final, so you see the little dash by his name for that final.  For the Online Final, he has no dash and no grade can be entered there.  No zero will be entered there as well so that Online Final will never be calculated against him in the final grade for the class.  From his point of view, he will only see the one he is assigned to take in his gradebook, he will never see the other one in any way. He will not see it in the Modules, the Syllabus, or the Calendar.

     So can you have more than two finals?  Sure!  
     Can you use quiz banks for the questions?  You bet!  All of the questions and settings or even the lockdown browser can be used.  You’re just assigning who can take which one.  

If you have any questions you can call the Information Commons at:  253-566-5176

Monday, July 20, 2015

What are student groups and how do students interact with groups in Canvas?

In this blog, we will show you the basics of what students groups are and how students interact with groups inside their Canvas courses.

What are Student Groups?:
Groups are like a smaller version of your course and can be used as a tool for students to work together on projects and assignments.  For example, if an Instructor wanted to create groups specific for Discussions, they could create several small student groups to discuss specific topics assigned to them.

How do students interact with their groups:

First, select the People tab:

Next, select Groups:

Then, locate your group and enter your group by clicking Visit:

To then collaborate with your group members (in this case with a discussion) click the Discussions tab on the left & then select the "+ Discussion" tab

To go back to the course’s home page, navigate backwards by selecting the blue hyperlinked icons until you reach the course name:

For a more in depth look on Student Groups, please visit the Canvas guides article here:


Monday, July 13, 2015

How do I add a single question to a quiz build with question banks?

In this blog, we will show you how to add one or more single questions to a quiz that is built on questions banks.

Let’s take a quiz that is already populated with several groups of questions.  There are two groups, each pulling 10 random questions that are worth 2 points each.

Next you’re going to click on New Question to add a question to this quiz:

I want to add an essay question onto the end of the quiz that I want everyone to have the same one. 

1.  From the drop-down select Essay Question
2.  Give the question a point value
3.  Give the directions for the essay
4.  Click on Update Question

As you see the new essay question is at the bottom, so it will be the last question on the quiz for the students after the two groups of 10 random questions.  All of the students have the same 10 point essay question.

If you have any questions you can always submit a ticket here and one of our staff will assist you.