Monday, July 20, 2015

What are student groups and how do students interact with groups in Canvas?

In this blog, we will show you the basics of what students groups are and how students interact with groups inside their Canvas courses.

What are Student Groups?:
Groups are like a smaller version of your course and can be used as a tool for students to work together on projects and assignments.  For example, if an Instructor wanted to create groups specific for Discussions, they could create several small student groups to discuss specific topics assigned to them.

How do students interact with their groups:

First, select the People tab:

Next, select Groups:

Then, locate your group and enter your group by clicking Visit:

To then collaborate with your group members (in this case with a discussion) click the Discussions tab on the left & then select the "+ Discussion" tab

To go back to the course’s home page, navigate backwards by selecting the blue hyperlinked icons until you reach the course name:

For a more in depth look on Student Groups, please visit the Canvas guides article here:


Monday, July 13, 2015

How do I add a single question to a quiz build with question banks?

In this blog, we will show you how to add one or more single questions to a quiz that is built on questions banks.

Let’s take a quiz that is already populated with several groups of questions.  There are two groups, each pulling 10 random questions that are worth 2 points each.

Next you’re going to click on New Question to add a question to this quiz:

I want to add an essay question onto the end of the quiz that I want everyone to have the same one. 

1.  From the drop-down select Essay Question
2.  Give the question a point value
3.  Give the directions for the essay
4.  Click on Update Question

As you see the new essay question is at the bottom, so it will be the last question on the quiz for the students after the two groups of 10 random questions.  All of the students have the same 10 point essay question.

If you have any questions you can always submit a ticket here and one of our staff will assist you.