Wednesday, January 20, 2016

How do I add prerequisites to my modules in Canvas?

In this week's tip, we will show you how to add prerequisites to your modules.  The reasons for doing this varies, but some Instructors find it useful to have a flow to their course that's easy for their students to follow.  When you set up prerequisite modules, students must complete the content in a module before moving to the next module.  The following is a quick tutorial on how to set up prerequisites (a link with more in depth detail is include at the bottom):

First, open modules

Second, edit modules:

Edit Module

Third, add prerequisite:

Add Prerequisite

Fourth, set your prerequisite:

Set Prerequisite

You will then need to save your changes by Updating your Module:  

Update Module

You will see the finished prerequisite next to the name of the module:

View Module

Note, students will know they've completed a particular prerequisite when a green check mark appears next to the content and the module name.

More in depth information on setting up prerequisites can be found at:
also on how to add requirements to a module here:

If you have any questions or would like a tutorial, please call us at:  (253) 566-5176. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

How to download your Panopto Video Recordings

This weeks tip focuses on how to download Panopto video Recordings. We received a phone call from a student asking us how he could keep a Panopto video he had made for his class. The quarter was ending and he would eventually not have access to his class to see his video.  The steps below show you how to download your online Panopto videos. (Remember - you can then choose where you want your downloaded video to go; your desktop, USB, etc.)

Go to the video you want to download and click on settings.

1.  Select Outputs
2.  Select Dowload Podcast

As always, if you have any questions, please contact us in Information Commons at:  (253) 754-3727.